Τετάρτη, Νοεμβρίου 25, 2015

αθωώθηκε των κατηγοριών της η Ένωση Ζωοφίλων Σαντορίνη

Η ανακοίνωση της Ένωσης Ζωοφίλων Σαντορίνης (S.A.W.A.)

Today (24.11.2015) your voice, defending the ones that cannot speak, has been heard in the court of Santorini…. Today I have been judged from the state of my own country for operating an illegal animal shelter- let me note that almost EVERY SINGLE SHELTER in Greece HAS NOT ACQUIRED AN OPERATION LICENSE- by all means I am Greek and I ask my Government and my co-patriots HOW do you expect any animal welfare to be conducted when your archaistic laws render it IMPOSSIBLE for any Animal Protection Association or Municipality to obtain this license?

YOU are forcing us to break the law and become “criminals” in order to rescue the Greek strays over- flooding the entire country and offer them a safe haven till we can send them for adoption to a more “animal friendly” country!

I have been judged from the state for doing the work that the state itself was responsible of undertaking and simply does not bother to do so… I never expected any recognition or support for offering 7 years of my life to “cleanup” their problem BUT on behalf of all of us in Greece serving to this cause just LET US BE!

If you cannot become a solution to this problem then simply stop adding to it!
Today I was found INNOCENT along with SAWA that I represent; the state and the Mayor of the island that were also accused like myself were found guilty for neglecting to provide an operation license.

TODAY THE VOICE OF THE ANIMALS HAS BEEN HEARD, this is how over 60.000 SIGNATURES look like printed out and yes, I did present them to the judge on behalf of all of you! THANK YOU for all your warmhearted support!

We still have to evacuate the shelter and look for new land BUT we are working on it and the animals will not be threatened till then. PLEASE keep the faith we still need every possible help to buy our own land and build a new shelter to secure a future for the animals of Santorini…it is the only way to go…

With respect and hope, Christina Kaloudi